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Hair Styles, Uncategorized, VIDEOS


So, there are certainly days where I feel like – I am WAY too tired and have no energy to do any styles that I want. Also, at the length my hair is at – it is sometimes difficult to just do a quick hair prep. With medium-short 4b/4c/ hair – it isn’t as easy as a simple couple of braids. Especially as a student, it’s as if time is your enemy and your energy is going to SO MANY things already…

So sometimes I just want to do something easy and quick. I love Headwraps and Scarves for this reason. You can completely hide your head all the while looking great! However, sometimes I get bored of just a head wrap and still want my hair to be a start as well – even if I didn’t give it the time of day… whoops.

So The video coming up will be a simple video of what I do when I don’t have time to prep MY HAIR. Some naturals have the length to whip it into place with a few bobby pins and some hairbands. But not moi.

The upcoming tutorial will be quick and easy and just a show and tell type thing.

From start to finish.

I started with an old and shriveled up Bantu Knot-Out it was on its 4th day or something.. Then parted the front so that I could put the rest in an old stocking cap I made when I was younger in my permed days…Have not put that on my head in FOREVER! Anyway… So I spritzed some of my Conditioner and Water concoction onto my hair and fingercombed.

Then I used HAIRepair by ORS on my ends to keep them smooth and to prevent breakage. After I used the Curl Enhancing Smoothie by Shea Moisture and applied a semi-generous amount on each section of hair then proceeded to braid. I then went to bed with 5 braids in the front of my head while the back was a complete WTF.

In the morning I used ORS Olive Oil Sheen Spray on my braids and then took them out. I simply tied a scarf around the back end of my head. I feel like it looks cute and pin-up ish.

After all that I fiddled around a but until I came with a position I liked for my braid-out section. Took a bobby pin and had it sit to one side.


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